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In Redoga, the death of a Zarod has historically meant war between claimants for at least a year. The victors often make many enemies, become wounded during the campaign, or are assassinated by agents of claimants with large armies. This phenomenon occurred mainly during the Shattering of Redoga.

In principle, the ruling Keizash dynasty means to have their line remain in control. Their claims have temporarily ended the bloody succession wars, but have yet to be put into practice.


Zarod: In theory the most powerful figure, they do not have the right to raise soldiers from, impose laws on, or directly tax any Dogas.

Doga: The most powerful figures in Redoga are its dogas. They are totally independent except for loose "moral obligations" to assist the Zarod when he requests it. These Dogas have been historically rebellious towards the Zarod until now, almost all are in open rebellion.

High Copper: The head of the church of Lesellia within Redoga. Although many outside view him as a religious figurehead, he has the power to take tolls from bridges and harbours.

High Bishop: The head of the church of Feyus within Redoga. Although many outside view him as a figurehead, he owns all land in the town of Coppershade.

Chief: Local villages are run by chiefs, of varying selection. They are responsible for the taxing and judging of the entire village, but must provide soldiers to their Doga.



This city is a sprawling collection of wooden houses in the flat river-valley around Redoga Lake. Home to 35,000 human farmers, merchants, craftsmen, and merchants, its existence is owed to being at edge of lake traffic and river traffic. The fertile soil of the basin means that farmers do not need to let their fields lay fallow.

The Zarod and his court live in Roha, and a presence of Arcva soldiers can usually be seen in the city. Although surrounded with wooden walls, the city has been sacked many times by rival Dogas bitter over their failed claims to the throne.

Notable Regions[]

Coppershade: This basin was once important for it's copper mines, now largely redundant. Legends say it was once a piece of the sun which fell from the sky.

Duarch River Valley: Home to small, wild horses that farmers over the past centuries have slowly begun to tame and breed to be large enough to carry humans.

Aval Hills: These rural mountain villages and their many local mines are the main suppliers of Iron for the country. The dangerous mines are employed mainly by forced labourers.

Dan: Naturally rich clay deposits as well as a powerful trade guild has made the town of Dan into a world-wide manufacturer of pottery of low price and exceptional quality. Many merchants from as far away as Ijhier make trips to buy this pottery.
