Altus Wiki

Level 1

Name: Disenchant Magic Item

Level: 1

Time: 5 minutes per level of the item.

Focus: A lit fire.

Market Price: 50Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You hold a magic item over a fire and heat it up. Once it is heated, you begin to magically disassemble it. Having the item smashed or cut into pieces gives you a +5 bonus to your arcana test, but doubles the cast time of this ritual. The quantity of mana crystals gained is based on your arcana test:

% of value of enchantment gained = twice arcana test result (maximum 100% at a result of 50). After this is complete, the item loses all of its magical properties and, if broken, is effectively destroyed.

Name: Etch

Level: 1

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 20Gp of any type.

Market Price: 100Gp

Key Skill: None

Description: You create magical etchings in the air that are projected onto another surface at a much creater scale. The colour, brightness, and other qualities of the etchings must be selected before casting the ritual. The following effects can be created:

  • 100 small characters (ie letters)
  • An image, drawing, or simple map
  • A simple moving shape
  • Basic sound effects that you produce before casting the ritual.

The effects can be no larger than 10x10 squares on a surface within 10 squares of you. The effects last one hour.

Name: Gentle Repose

Level: 1

Time: 1 Hour

General Cost: 10 Gp of Sacred Inks

Market Price: 50Gp

Key Skill: Heal

Description: This ritual is performed on an adjacent corpse. It allows the creature to be resurrected for an additional 300 days after it normally would. It also protects the corpse and its soul from being raised as an undead or demon for the duration, and blocks Starland Call rituals.

After the ritual expires without being broken by magic such as Counterspell, if the soul is not otherwise claimed by a powerful being, it will pass straight to the Starlands and not remain on Altus.

Name: Light

Level: 1

Time: 5 minutes

General Cost: 25 Gp of any type

Focus: An orb worth at least 10 Gp

Market Price: 50Gp

Key Skill: Varies

Description: Your focus becomes filled with magical light and hovers a few inches from your body. Your Arcana (Alchemic Dust), Nature (Rare Herbs), or Religion (Sacred Inks) check determines the size and duration.

  • 0-9: Burst 15, one hour.
  • 10-15: Burst 20, six hours.
  • 16-21: Burst 25, twelve hours.
  • 22+: Burst 30, twenty-four hours.

Additionally, you may perform the following actions on your turn so long as the orb is within your line of sight and no more than 10 squares away from you:

  • Standard Action: End the ritual.
  • Move Action: Cause the orb to float 5 squares and hover there.
  • Minor Action: Return an adjacent orb to orbit around your head, or cause it to remain in your current square.

Name: Make Whole

Level: 1

Time: Special

General Cost: Special, Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 50Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: A single object that can fit in a 10-foot cube is completely repaired. The component cost is calculated as follows:

Cost = [(Cost of the item)/(5*Percentage of the item you currently have in your possession that is not altered through burning, dissolution, bonding, or any other chemical alteration)]

Your Arcana test determines how long the ritual takes:

  • 0-8: 8 hours.
  • 8-17: 2 hours.
  • 18-26: 30 minutes.
  • 27-35: 10 minutes.
  • 36+: 5 minutes.

Material other than what you currently have in your possession is not destroyed, but you will save money by using extra material in the ritual rather than saving it.

Level 2

Name: Bloom

Level: 2

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 20Gp of Mana Crystals

Market Price: 100Gp

Key Skill: Nature

Description: Upon completion of the ritual, you cause all germinated plants within 20 squares of you to bloom with new growth and foliage. Non-harvest-able plants thicken and become rough terrain that offers concealment. Harvest-able plants mature to full size. Plants cannot gain infinite matter – the guidelines presented here represent the maximum potential for this ritual.

  • Grain: Yields 70 Kg of Grain which can provide for 70 person-days of nutrition once ground and baked.
  • Olives, Grapes, Fruit: 35 Kg
  • Spices, Sugar: 10 Kg
  • Incense, Dye, Perfume: 4 Kg.

Level 4

Name: Enchant Magic Item

Level: 4

Time: 20 minutes per level of the enchantment.

General Cost: 1Gp of any type, plus the cost of the item: ((level*100)^(level/100))

Market Price: 100Gp

Key Skill: None

Description: You enchant an item with any enchantment your level or lower that is known to you. By default, only PHB, PHB2, and PHB3 items can be enchanted.

Name: Farsight

Level: 4

Time: 10 minutes.

General Cost: 300 Gp of any.

Focus: A gemstone viewing orb worth at least 1000 Gp

Market Price: 3000Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You complete the ritual and create a scrying sensor at any point that you can see, however far away. You then gain all sensory effects as if you were standing in that square. Make an Arcana (alchemic dust), Religion (Rare Inks) or Nature (Rare Herbs) instead of a perception test. For an additional 50 Gp of components and 1 minute, a new perception test can be made as above.

The Scrying sensor requires a DC to notice equal to your initial perception test. The sensor cannot be disrupted, but it can be blocked.

Name: Snare

Level: 4

Time: 10 minutes

General Cost: 25Gp of Rare Herbs

Market Price: 150Gp

Key Skill: Nature

Description: You create a magical snare in a 2-by-2 area adjacent to you. When you complete the ritual, make a Nature check. This result is the perception DC to detect the snare, and the thievery DC to disable it. As part of the ritua, you can name creatures that can pass freely through the snare's area, and you can set conditions that allow a creature to bypass the snare. Any other creature that enters the snare's area is subject to an attack. Make a Nature V. Reflex attack against the target. On a hit, the target is immobilized (save ends). When the snare is triggered, you become aware that it has been triggered regardless of your distance from it (this wakes you up). The ritual is then discharges.

Name: Starland Call

Level: 4

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 50Gp of Sacred Inks

Specific Cost: A personal belonging of significance to the target creature.

Market Price: 250Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: You temporarily draw out the soul of one dead creature, materializing it as a ghost-like apparition that vanishes in bright light. The apparition resembles how the creature looked just before death, and may include some of the wounds or ailments that caused its downfall. The apparition does not speak or react to those present, but its spirit will react in unseen ways. When you complete the ritual, divide your check by 6 to determine how many of the following details you can gleam about the soul:

  • Disposition: Learn how the creature felt towards the assembled company, including complex emotions such as jealousy, forgiveness, pride, etc. If there are strong conflicting attitudes towards various members of the company present, the spirit will indicate it is conflicted. You may choose to omit yourself from the company for the purpose of this ritual.
  • Date of Death: Learn the appropriate unit of measure to determine a being's death - hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
  • Cause of Death: This will describe the effect that caused its death, but not the source. For example, you may learn that Feyden was slain by a sword, but not who was holding onto the blade or the make of the weapon itself.
  • Place of Death: Get a vague description of the place of death of the creature, such as a grassy field, a castle chamber, or in a dark cave.
  • Alignment: Learn the creature's general alignment, based on how it viewed its own actions. This may produce some cruel figures who inwardly feel good, and honourable figures who obsess with their own perceived evilness.

If the creature is alive, has its soul trapped, or is animated as an undead, this ritual will fail and components are expended.

Level 5

Name: Animal Friendship

Level: 5

Time: 1 minute

Specific Cost: An item the creature would want, such as food or a toy.

General Cost: 50Gp Rare Herbs

Market Price: 250Gp

Key Skill: Nature

Description:You choose a creature which must remain within 5 squares of you for the time necessary to perform the ritual. Once the ritual is complete, the animal regards you as a friend and performs simple tasks on your behalf. The tasks are limited to the options below, and assigning a task requires a standard action.

  • Fetch: The animal retrieves an object within its carrying capacity that it can


  • Perform: The animal performs a simple trick.
  • Seek: The animal scouts up to 20 squares ahead for anything that is alive or animate. The animal only informs you if it found something or not, and cannot communicate what it found.
  • Watch: The animal remains in its current location and watches an area. If a new creature enters the location, the watching animal informs you in the

way you specify such as a noise or a nudge.

Unless otherwise commanded, the animal accompanies you for the duration of the ritual. If attacked, the animal will flee and return when safe. Your nature test determines the duration of the ritual:

  • 0-9: The creature resists the ritual completely.
  • 10-16: 1 hour.
  • 17-21: 8 hours.
  • 22-24: 1 day.
  • 25+: 1 week.

Additionally, hostile creatures offer a -10 penalty to your test, and for each size difference larger than you there is a -2 penalty.

Level 6

Name: Cure Disease

Level: 6

Time: 8 hours

General Cost: 150Gp Sacred Inks

Focus: A bone from another creature of the same race as the target.

Market Price: 450Gp

Key Skill: Heal

Description: By inscribing the naked body of the target with sacred writings, you are able to purge it of one natural disease, whether the disease is active or incubating. It allows the target to roll twice and take the higher result on their next endurance check to overcome a single disease that is selected when the ritual completes.

This ritual is damaging to the target. The target takes damage based on your heal test result:

  • 0-5: Target takes damage equal to its maximum hitpoints.
  • 6-16: Target takes damage equal to 3/4 of its maximum hitpoints.
  • 17-21: Target takes damage equal to 1/2 of its maximum hitpoints.
  • 22-25: Target takes damage equal to 1/4 of its maximum hitpoints.
  • 26+: Target takes one damage.

Name: Magic Forge

Level: 6

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 1000Gp of Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 6000Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You manipulate flames in a single square to become superheated. Any creature or object other than you that starts their turn in or enters a 4-square radius around the flames takes 10 Fire damage, or 20 if adjacent.The flames may be sustained up to 4 hours, but vanish as soon as the caster stops their focus.

Each hour, up to 0.5 kg of iron ore may be smelted. This ritual is damaging to the caster, and they take damage based on their Arcana check result when the ritual is completed:

  • 0-9: Damage equal to maximum hitpoints
  •  10-16: Caster takes damage equal to 3/4 of its maximum hitpoints.
  • 17-21: Caster takes damage equal to 1/2 of its maximum hitpoints.
  • 22-24: Caster takes damage equal to 1/4 of its maximum hitpoints.
  • 25+: Caster takes one damage.  

Name: Sending

Level: 6

Time: 10 minutes

General Cost: x Gp of Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 360Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You convey a message to a willing creature you know personally. The cost is 1 Gp per ten characters in the text. If the target is within range, he or she receives the message mentally or visually and can respond likewise. The ritual's maximum range is 8 Km per check result.

A creature that is not within range does not receive the message, and components are wasted. If a recipient chooses not to respond to the message at all, there is no way for the sender to know if the message was received at all.

Level 8

Name: Raise Dead

Level: 8

Time: 8 hours

Specific Cost: A vial of salt water from Akatu Lake which must be infused with the magic of a helstorm by exposing it for at least a full minute, and a pinch of soil from within 10Km of the target's birthplace.

General Cost: 100Gp of Sacred Inks per level of the target below 10, 1000Gp per level of the target between 11 and 20, and 10 000 Gp per level of the target above 20. Level 30 characters and above cannot be resurrected by traditional magic.

Focus: A holy symbol of Akatu worth at least 1000 Gp

Market Price: 2000Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: To perform Raise Dead, you must have at least half of the corpse of a creature that died no more than 30 days ago. The subject returns to life as if he or she had taken an extended rest. The subject is freed of any temporary conditions suffered at death, but permanent conditions remain. You can't restore to life a creature that died of old age or has already been restored by the Raise Dead ritual. Additionally, the subject's soul must be free and willing to return to life. Some magical effects trap the soul and thus prevent Raise Dead from working, and the gods can intervene to prevent a soul from journeying back to the realm of the living.

The subject returns with a death penalty: -1 to all d20 rolls. This fades after the subject reaches three milestones or levels up. Non-player characters cannot be subject to raise dead rituals under normal circumstances.

Name: Teleportation

Level: 8

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 200 Gp of Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 800 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You create a shortcut across the fabric of the world, moving yourself to the location of a permanent teleportation circle somewhere else on the same plane. Completing the ritual instantly moves you to the other location, with no movement required or possible. As part of performing the ritual, you sketch out a 10-foot-diameter circle in various rare chalks and inks. This temporary teleportation circle must exactly match the permanent teleportation circle at your destination. It disappears at the end of the portal’s duration. The portal is 10 feet tall and blocks line of sight. 

At the completion of this ritual, make an Arcana check. The result determines any teleportation sickness you experience:

  • 0-4: Knocked unconscious, and must spend an extended rest regaining energy.
  • 5-9: Until the end of the next extended rest, roll twice for all d20 rolls and take the lower result.
  • 10-16: Until the end of the next extended rest, take a -2 penalty to all skill checks.
  • 17-23: Until the end of the next extended rest, take a -1 penalty to all skill checks.
  • 26+: No effect.

You can use a permanent teleportation circle as the origin point of this ritual, making minor temporary modifications as part of the ritual. Doing this reduces the cast time to 10 minutes and grants you a +5 bonus to your Arcana check.

Unlike with portals, teleportation does not permit the caster a chance to observe the surroundings of their destination prior to teleportation.  

You can use Teleport to any permanent teleportation circle whose sequence of sigils you know. When you learn this ritual, your DM will tell you at least two such sequences. In your travels and research, you’ll undoubtedly learn more. Permanent teleportation circles might be found in mage guilds, valuable libraries, or in the ruins of old Ghidovia.

This ritual can take you anywhere in the world, but it can’t take you to other planes. Sufficiently powerful warding magic, such as the Forbiddance ritual, can block a teleportation ritual. If the location is warded in such a manner, you learn that just before you finish casting the ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and not expend any components.

Level 9

Name: Seek Magic

Level: 9

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 5Gp of Alchemic Dust

Focus: A gemstone worth at least 1000Gp

Market Price: 800Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You hold the gemstone gently and allow it to be tugged in the direction of a nearby powerful source of magic. When you cast this ritual, determine the type of magic sought and the radius of the search:

  • Type: Items, Mana Crystals, Rituals (ongoing), Magical Creatures. Creatures that wish to remain hidden make an opposed Arcana test to remain hidden.
  • Radius: Narrow tests search an area equal to twice the caster's Arcana result. Wide tests search all sources within 200m per point of the caster's result, but does not give as precise an estimate.

Forbiddance or other warding rituals will cause this ritual to skip the warded sources of magic but will not cause the ritual to fail and will thus not alert the caster to the presence of those wards unless their Arcana Test beats the Forbiddance DC by 10 or more.

Level 10

Name: Consult Mystic Sages

Level: 10

Time: 30 minutes

Specific Cost: The Heart of a creature of divine origin such as an Arcva, Morempai, or Rendiol.

General Cost: 100Gp Rare Herbs

Focus: A holy symbol worth at least 10Gp

Market Price: 1000Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: You create a potion of potent divine power that may be drunk within the next minute to cause the target to enter a trance.

Upon entering the trance, you gain a vision that allows you to make a knowledge test with a +10 bonus. This test only provides additional information that many people could have access to, and only information that is relevant in the present moment. It allows for information that your character does not have direct exposure to (such as information on other cultures you have never heard of, or the geography of a region you have never visited), but not secrets (such as battle plans, a guild password, or the resting place of Muat Rafil. This check cannot predict the results of your actions.

Level 11

Name: Raise Skeleton

Level: 11

Time: 1 Hour

General Cost: 250 Gp of Sacred Herbs

Market Price: 20000 Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: You channel magical energy into a creature's deceased corpse that has not been affected by a Gentle Repose ritual. Make a Religion check with a penalty equal to the number of months the corpse has been dead to determine the strength of the skeleton you raise and the number of healing surges to spend. You may willingly choose to create a skeleton of a lower level than the maximum possible. Normal players are not able to control the skeletons, and they will instead act chaotically or follow the command of powerful necromancers nearby. The skeleton may be equipped with weapons but does not gain access to any of the abilities or powers possessed by its living predecessor.  

Level Religion Check Needed Surge Skeleton
1 10 1 Minor Skeleton
6 16 2 Skeleton
16 26 3 Elite Skeleton
21 31 4 Skeletal Mage


Level 12

Name: Arcane Barrier

Level: 12

Time: 10 minutes

General Cost: 500 Gp of Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 3200 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You create a thin magical barrier of force that may contain up to 4 squares. The barrier appeast as a thin white wall which you can make invisible from further away than 10 squares. When you perform this ritual, either select creatures will be allowed to willingly pass through the barrier (or select some who may not) or an origin of creature that can willingly pass through it (or an origin that may not). Make an Arcana test with a -1 penalty per creature of -5 per origin. The DC for a strength test to pass through the Arcane barrier is 10 higher than your result. Note that creatures may take 20 to defeat the barrier or help each other.  

If you spend 8 hours and five times the component costs, the barrier is permanent and may take 20 to determine the DC to break it.

Name: Counterspell

Level: 12

Time: 5 minutes

General Cost: 10 Gp of Alchemic Dust, plus half of the target ritual's cost.

Market Price: 10 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You begin to undo the effects of a single ritual whose focus or effects you can see. Make an Arcana test with a -1 penalty per level difference between you and the caster's level. Take a -1 penalty per level of the ritual, or -3 per level greater than your own. If you wish to keep this counterspell secret from the caster, take an additional -5 penalty, otherwise the caster will know their ritual has been countered: 

  • 0-4: The counterspell backfires and you take damage equal to the caster's level. 
  • 5-9: Draw. The effect remains, but no adverse effects occur.  
  • 10-14: Disruption. The ritual ceases to make any new actions for one minute, but current effects are not reversed.  
  • 15-19: The ritual is destroyed, ending all its effects at once. 
  • 20+: The ritual's power is re-directed. You may make adjustments to the ritual as if you were casting it now.  

Level 14

Name: Control Weather

Level: 14

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 350 Gp of Sacred Inks per step of change.

Market Price: 4500 Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: You focus on the weather in a 300-square radius and appeal to the gods to change it. The change is limited to steps along the following spectrum, away from the current state. Your Religion test divided by five determines the maximum number of steps you take along the spectrum: 

Heat -30C -15C 0C 15C 30C 45C
Precipitation None Light Moderate Heavy Torrential Flood
Intensity Calm Windy Storm Lightning Hurricane Tornadoes


Name: Linked Portal 

Level: 14

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 1000 Gp of Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 4000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You create a shortcut across the fabric of the world, linking your location with a permanent teleportation circle somewhere else on the same plane. With a step, you can move from one circle to the other. As part of performing the ritual, you must sketch out a 10-foot-diameter circle in various rare chalks and inks. This temporary teleportation circle must exactly match the permanent teleportation circle at your destination. It disappears at the end of the portal’s duration. The portal is 10 feet tall and blocks line of sight. 

At the completion of this ritual, make an Arcana check. The result determines the duration that the portal remains open:

  • 0-4: 1 round.
  • 5-9: 2 rounds.
  • 10-17: 3 rounds.
  • 18-24: 4 rounds.
  • 25+: 5 rounds.

You can use a permanent teleportation circle as the origin point of this ritual, making minor temporary modifications as part of the ritual. Doing this reduces the cast time to 10 minutes and grants you a +5 bonus to your Arcana check.

While the portal is open, any creature that enters the circle at the origin point instantly appears at the other location, along with anything the creature holds or carries. The creature can even finish the rest of its move. Only eight creatures can enter through the portal per round. 

Anyone standing in the vicinity of either end of the portal can see a haze-infused vision of the teleportation circle at the other end of the connection, as well as the environment 12 squares beyond it. Effectively, everything at the destination within this area of visibility has concealment, and the area beyond is completely fogged out (Naturally, portals that last longer give you a better opportunity to study the place you’re going to before you step into the circle). Environmental effects at one end of the connection don’t affect the other end.

You can use Linked Portal to any permanent teleportation circle whose sequence of sigils you know. When you learn this ritual, your DM will tell you at least two such sequences. In your travels and research, you’ll undoubtedly learn more. Permanent teleportation circles might be found in mage guilds, valuable libraries, or in the ruins of old Ghidovia.

This ritual can take you anywhere in the world, but it can’t take you to other planes. Sufficiently powerful warding magic, such as the Forbiddance ritual, can block a teleportation ritual. If the location is warded in such a manner, you learn that just before you finish casting the ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and not expend any components.

Level 15

Name: Forbiddance

Level: 15

Time: 30 minutes

Specific Cost: 2000Gp of platinum, and the caster must spend 5 healing surges.

Focus: A magical gemstone valued at 100Gp per radius of the burst.

Market Price: 50 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: You ward an area with powerful magic. The strength of the warding depends on your level and the size of the burst depends on your Arcana test result. You may choose to cast at a lower level or to omit squares from your burst or to reduce the size of the burst entirely. The focus must remain within the zone at the centre of the burst at all times or the ritual's effects end immediately.  

  • Level 15-20: No scrying may penetrate into the region or enter into the region. If a scrying ritual is nearby but not within the zone, it only sees an opaque black veil in the region of the Forbiddance ritual. 
  • Level 21-25: As above, and no creature or ritual may teleport into, within, or out of the ritual's zone. This includes short-range teleports. 
  • Level 26+: As above, but NO ritual effects can affect inside the zone.  

The zone lasts for 24 hours. you may sustain the ritual for 24 hours more by remaining within it, channeling for 30 minutes, and spending a healing surge. If the effect is sustained for a year and a day, the effect becomes permanent. Your check determines the maximum size of the burst:

  • 0-5: Burst 3
  • 6-9: Burst 6
  • 10-17: Burst 15
  • 18-24: Burst 50
  • 25-28: Burst 150
  • 29+: Burst 600 (one kilometre)

Level 18

Name: View Location

Level: 18

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 5000Gp of Alchemic dust.

Focus: A mirror or other reflective surface.

Market Price: 75 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: When you perform this ritual, choose a location you (or an assistant) have previously visited. The location must be fixed in place for the ritual to target it, but may have changed substantially since you last visited (ie, boats will fail, but burned building work). A scrying sensor appears and requires a DC 28 perception to notice. The sensor cannot be disrupted, but can be blocked. The focus creates a visual and auditory link to the location, allowing you to make perception tests as if you were there. The exact ritual effects are determined by your Arcana test:  

  • 0-9: The ritual fails and components are wasted  
  • 10-19: One round of visual reference  
  • 20-24: Two rounds of visual and auditory reference  
  • 25-27: Three rounds of all senses.  
  • 28-31: One minute of all senses.  
  • 32+: Five minutes of all senses, and the sensor's DC becomes 35.  

Level 21

Name: View Item

Level: 21

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 10 000Gp of Alchemic dust.

Focus: A mirror or other reflective surface.

Market Price: 225 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: When you perform this ritual, choose an item that you (or an assistant) have once seen up close. A scrying sensor appears and requires a DC 32 perception to notice. The sensor cannot be disrupted, but can be blocked. The focus creates a visual and auditory link to the item, allowing you to make perception tests as if you were there. The exact ritual effects are determined by your Arcana test:  

  • 0-9: The ritual fails and components are wasted  
  • 10-19: One round of visual reference  
  • 20-24: Two rounds of visual and auditory reference  
  • 25-27: Three rounds of all senses.  
  • 28-31: One minute of all senses.  
  • 32+: Five minutes of all senses, and the sensor's DC becomes 37.  

Level 22

Name: Loremaster's Bargain

Level: 22

Time: 8 hours.

Specific Cost: An item of sufficient value to the being to cause it to accept communication with you.

General Cost: 30 000 Gp of Sacred Inks

Market Price: 60 000 Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: Through Painstaking research and preparation, you prepare an offering for a powerful extra-Altus entity such as a demigod, demon, Adamantite, or other non-god, non-archdemon. You could select deceased PCs with this method. Your offering earns an audience with the being, which appears as a ghostly image that cannot be attacked or physically interacted with. You may engage in a skill challenge to gather information from the creature. You gain a +1 bonus to all skill checks made as part of the skill challenge for each 6 points of your religion test.  

Unlike other rituals that provide cryptic answers or limited scope, this ritual provides contact to a creature that might be genuinely informative and helpful, provided you convince it to help. The entity begins in a neutral state - intrigued by the offering and willing to hear you out. It has agendas of its own, and its nature may colour information and advice it provides.  

When you complete the ritual, you can designate up to eight other ritual participants who can also speak with the entity and contribute to the skill challenge. Each one gains the same bonus to skill checks that you do.  

Level 24

Name: Planer Portal

Level: 24

Time: 8 hours.

General Cost: 20 000 Gp of Alchemic Dust

Market Price: 200 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: This ritual work sthe same as Linked Portal, except that you can use it to travel to places outside of Altus but within the Cosmos. As with Linked Portal, your planar destination must have a teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you have memorized. All DCs for this ritual are increased by 5 relative to Linked Portal.  

When you first learn this ritual, you learn the sigil sequences of one planar destination of your choice.  

Level 26

Name: Voice of Fate

Level: 26

Time: 1 hour

Specific Cost: A valuable offering which is destroyed upon completion of the ritual.

General Cost: 45000Gp of Sacred Inks

Focus: A holy altar of the being.

Market Price: 225 000 Gp

Key Skill: Religion

Description: You summon the voice of a divine being such as a god or archdemon to commune with you and your party. The being speaks to you directly, and does not make use of minions such as in the Loremaster's Bargain ritual. You may ask the being question pertaining to a specific action you wish to undertake that you have not yet begun, or about general knowledge and advice. The answers to your questions need not be known by any creature, living or dead. The ritual cannot answer questions about the future pertaining to events beyond the next 7 days. After that, the skein of possibilities is too indistinct to gain useful information.  

The guidance from the being is accurate to the best of their knowledge, but great heroes or other gods are capable of thwarting fate, at least for a time. If the ritual reveals that a course of action is "certain doom" you should realize that nothing is truly certain until it happens. In addition, the entity assumes that you will act on its guidance to the letter and with no hesitation. If you do not follow their guidance directly, the circumstances under which the activity occurs will change and their answer may no longer be valid.  

You may ask a number of questions based on your Religion check result, with a -5 penalty if the being is unfriendly, or +5 if it is friendly:  

  • 0: None  
  • 1-9: Two  
  • 10-19: Three  
  • 21-26: Four  
  • 27-29: Five  
  • 30-32: Six  
  • 33+: Seven  

Level 27

Name: Entomb

Level: 27

Time: 12 hours.

General Cost: 100 Gp per heroic level of the target, 1000 per paragon level of the target, and 10 000 per epic level of the target. The caster additionally gives up one permanent healing surge.

Focus: One non-magical item.

Market Price: 200 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana, Religion, or Nature

Description: You must target one helpless creature who remains within the centre of a ritual circle for the duration of this ritual. After the ritual is completed, the creature's body and soul vanish as they are trapped within the focus. While trapped, they are aware of their surroundings but cannot communicate directly unless allowed by you when you complete the ritual. They can never be freed but can also never die from old age, although you may specify any number of conditions which allow them to gain freedom (including permission from the caster). If the creature is somehow freed, it reappears with its body and all possessions exactly as it was when it was trapped initially.  

Once this is enchanted, the non-magical item becomes an artifact of level equal to the creature and will be assigned properties befitting that creature's power and will. Disenchant Magic Item will have no effect on this artifact. The item itself being destroyed will free the creature if the conditions were met.  

The creature can break free of this ritual despite your wishes if another character learns this ritual and casts it on the artifact. If such an event occurs the DC to free the creature is equal to an Arcana test you make upon completing the ritual. 

Level 30

Name: True Portal

Level: 30

Time: 1 hour

General Cost: 50 000 Gp of Alchemic dust

Market Price: 425 000 Gp

Key Skill: Arcana

Description: This ritual works the same as Linked Portal, except that all DCs are increased by 13 and as noted here.  

You are not limited to teleporting to places you've seen or that have permanent teleportation circles. However, when you perform the ritual, you must describe your intended destination clearly. The magic of the ritual interprets your intended destination in the most literal way possible. If your description is insufficient to determine a specific destination, the ritual fails but no components are expended. If your description causes the portal to lead you somewhere you did not intend, the ritual still functions and components are expended.  

If the destination is blocked by a warding ritual such as Forbiddance, the ritual opens the destination portal at a point along the ward's boundary. You can see through the portal before you enter, and you don't have to step through if you don't want to.  

You may use a teleportation circle as the origin point of this ritual, making minor modifications as part of the ritual. Using a teleportation circle reduces the ritual's component cost to 10 000 Gp and grants a +5 bonus to your Arcana check.  
